A healthy, raw fed dog lay next to a dog bowl of raw dog food and looking up at the camera.

What's on Your Dog's Plate? Exploring Raw Feeding: The Pros and Cons (Part 2)

Welcome back, pet parents! We hope you enjoyed Part 1 of our What's on Your Dog's Plate Blog Series focused on Kibble: Crunchy Convenience or Health Hindrance? 


In the second part of our doggy diet series, we're delving deep into raw feeding - both the pros and the cons. Let's navigate through the world of feeding your pup a raw diet, considering both the advantages and the potential challenges.


The Pros of Raw Feeding: A Nutritional Powerhouse


1. Wholesome Ingredients:

Raw feeding means real, whole foods. High-quality meats, bones, and organs provide a pure, natural source of nutrients without mystery fillers or additives.


2. Optimal Nutrition:

Rich in protein and healthy fats, raw diets promote muscle development, shiny coats, and overall vitality, meeting your pup's nutritional needs.


3. Improved Digestion:

Raw diets are easier on your dog's digestive system. The simplicity of raw ingredients aids digestion and absorption of essential nutrients, reducing the risk of upset stomachs.


4. Healthy Weight Management:

Focused on protein and healthy fats, raw feeding helps maintain a healthy weight. This means saying goodbye to excess carbs and sugar and hello to a lean and energetic pup.


5. Stronger Immune System:

A well-balanced raw diet supports a robust immune system. Essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals contribute to better overall health, reducing the likelihood of illness.


6. Improved Dental Health:

Gnawing on raw bones provides natural dental care, reducing plaque and keeping your pup's breath fresh - a win-win for both of you.


7. Enhanced Coat and Skin:

Essential fatty acids found in raw meats contribute to a glossy coat and healthy skin, alleviating common skin issues.


8. Reduced Allergies:

Raw diets often eliminate common allergens found in processed foods, providing relief from skin irritations and digestive problems for pups with allergies.


9. More Energy and Vitality:

Proper nutrition equals increased energy levels. Raw-fed dogs often exhibit higher activity levels, better endurance, and an overall zest for life.


10. Decreased Water Consumption:

Raw food contains natural moisture, reducing the need for excessive water intake, a contrast to kibble-fed dogs who often drink more due to the dryness of their food.


The Cons of Raw Feeding: Considerations to Keep in Mind:


1. Nutritional Imbalance:

Achieving a perfectly balanced diet with the right mix of proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals can be challenging in raw feeding.


2. Potential for Bacterial Contamination:

Raw meat carries a risk of bacterial contamination, requiring careful handling to minimise the spread of harmful bacteria.


3. Expense and Preparation Time:

Raw feeding can be more expensive and time-consuming than commercial dog food, demanding effort in sourcing high-quality ingredients and maintaining variety in the diet.


4. Feeding Routine Challenges:

Raw diets may not always be practical for pet owners with busy schedules or those who travel frequently, demanding a consistent supply of fresh, raw ingredients.


5. Bone-related Risks:

While raw bones are excellent for dental health, there's a risk of choking or digestive obstruction if the bones are too small or splinter easily.


6. Transition Difficulties:

Some dogs may experience digestive upset during the transition from processed food to raw, requiring a gradual introduction.


7. Parasite Concerns:

Raw meat can potentially harbour parasites, necessitating preventative measures and awareness of this risk.


Finding the Right Balance: A Tailored Approach:


Balancing the benefits and challenges of raw feeding is essential. Working closely with your vet, monitoring your pup's health, and making adjustments based on their individual needs are key aspects of a successful raw feeding journey.


Although there is certainly relevance to the cons listed above, in most cases there is a much bigger picture and they are relatively simple to resolve. In our next article, we'll debunk common myths and misconceptions surrounding raw feeding.


Stick around as we continue to guide you through the exciting, and sometimes misunderstood, world of doggy diets! Be sure to sign up to our #WellWoofs Club to get it sent to you directly!